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The Nomination Committee’s proposal for board of directors in Stillfront

The Nomination Committee proposes that the Annual General Meeting 2022 of Stillfront Group AB (publ) elects six ordinary board members with no deputy directors. Jan Samuelson, Katarina G. Bonde, Erik Forsberg, Birgitta Henriksson and Ulrika Viklund are proposed to be re-elected as board members. Further Jan Samuelson is proposed to be re-elected as chairman of the board of directors.

The Nomination Committee proposes that the Annual General Meeting 2022 elects Marcus Jacobs as a new board member. Marcus Jacobs brings extensive commercial and strategic experience from the gaming industry, in which he has been active for over 25 years. Marcus Jacobs has i.a. been part of the executive management of King for seven years, focusing on mobile games and F2P. 

Kai Wawrzinek has informed the Nomination Committee that he will not be available for re-election at the Annual General Meeting 2022. 

The Nominating Committee of Stillfront consists of Caroline Sjösten (chairperson), representing Swedbank Robur Fonder, Kai Wawrzinek, representing Laureus Capital and Kristofer Flack, representing SEB Fonder. Shareholders have had the opportunity to submit proposals and opinions to the Nomination Committee in accordance with the instructions set out on Stillfront's website.

The Nomination Committee’s complete proposals and motivated statement will be announced together with the notice to the Annual General Meeting 2022.

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