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Remuneration and incentive programs

Remuneration guidelines

The annual general meeting in Stillfront Group AB (publ) adopts guidelines for remuneration and other terms of employment for the company’s executive management. The remuneration guidelines can be found on pp. 85-86 in the Annual Report 2023, and provides i.a. that remuneration of executive management shall be on market terms and may consist of the following components: fixed cash salary, variable cash remuneration, pension benefits and other benefits. In addition to remuneration covered by the remuneration guidelines, the general meetings of the company have resolved to implement long-term share-related incentive programmes as set out below.


2023 (SEK ‘000) CEO and President Other senior executives Total
Fixed Salary 9,115 18,604 27,719
Variable remuneration 1,128 1,705 2,833
Cost for shared based benefits 3,380 9,248 12,628
Other benefits 0 41 41
Pension expenses 0 2,069 2,069
Total remuneration 13,623 31,667 45,290
2022 (SEK ‘000) CEO and President Other senior executives Total
Fixed Salary 7,734 19,778 27,512
Variable remuneration 0 65 65
Cost for shared based benefits 5,506 11,719 17,225
Pension expenses 1,193 1,633 2,826
Total remuneration 14,433 33,195 47,628
SEK 000 2023 2022
Jan Samuelsson, Chair (up to June 2023) 371 853
Katarina Bonde, Chair (from June 2023) 618 318
Birgitta Henriksson 375 358
Erik Forsberg 550 533
Ulrika Viklund 300 283
Marcus Jacobs (from June 2022) 335 196
David Nordberg (from June 2023) 175
Kai Wawrzinek (to June 2022) 108
Total 2,724 2,649

Long-term incentive programs

A prerequisite for the successful implementation of Stillfront’s business strategy and safeguarding of its long-term interests, is that Stillfront is able to attract, motivate and retain the best talent globally. To achieve this, it is necessary that Stillfront offers competitive remuneration to create incentives for the senior executives and key individuals to execute strategic plans, deliver excellent operating results and to align their incentives with the interests of Stillfront’s shareholders.

LTIP 2020/2024 

The Annual General Meeting on 14 May 2020 resolved to issue a maximum of 350,000 warrants. Post the share split on 28 December 2020, each warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for 10 new shares in the company for SEK 78.549 per share on the last banking day each month during the period 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024.

The company’s subsidiary, Todavia AB, has subscribed for all warrants issued under LTIP 2020/2024 I, and a number of key individuals in the company’s management have acquired 277,000 of the warrants at market value. The price (option premium) has been determined using the Black & Scholes valuation model. Out of the total number of warrants issues, 73,000 non-allocated warrants have been cancelled.

For additional information on LTIP 2020/2024 I, please see the Annual General Meeting 2020.

LTIP 2021/2025

The Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2021 resolved to implement a long-term incentive program under which a maximum of 3,500,000 employee stock options shall be offered to approximately 45 participants, consisting of the CEO, senior executives and key employees at studio level within the Stillfront Group.

The employee stock options are gradually vested during a three-year period, and after the expiration of the three-year period each vested employee stock options entitles the participant to receive one share in Stillfront. The price for the shares at exercise of the employee stock option shall be equal to the average volume weighted share price for Stillfront’s shares during a period of ten trading days before the allotment of the employee stock options to the relevant participant, increased by 8 percent per year.

There is no dilution related to LTIP 2021/2025, since the program is secured via a share swap agreement with Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Sverige, through which Stillfront has secured delivery of shares to participants (when/if applicable).

For information on LTIP 2021/2025, please see the Annual General Meeting May 2021.

LTIP 2022/2026

The Annual General Meeting on 12 May 2022 resolved to implement a long-term incentive program under which a maximum of 2,000,000 restricted stock units shall be offered to approximately 50 participants, consisting of the CEO, senior executives and key personnel within the Stillfront Group.

The restricted stock units are gradually vested during a three-year period, and after the expiration of the three-year period, each vested restricted stock unit entitles the participant to receive one share in Stillfront for free during one of three exercise windows during 2026, if the performance target of an average annual total shareholder return of 8% has been met.

For additional information on LTIP 2022/2026, please see the Annual General Meeting May 2022.

LTIP 2023/2027

The Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2023 resolved to implement a long-term incentive program under which a maximum of 2,024,000 restricted stock units shall be offered to 45 participants, consisting of the CEO, senior executives and key personnel within the Stillfront Group.

The restricted stock units are vested on an annual basis during a four-year period depending on Stillfront’s annual achievement of two of its financial targets (revenue growth and EBITDAC-margin), and after the expiration of the four-year period, each vested restricted stock unit entitles to participant to receive one share in Stillfront for free during the exercise windows following the release of Stillfront’s Q2 report 2027.

For additional information on LTIP 2023/2027, please see the Annual General Meeting May 2023.