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Key policies

Our key policies include Code of Conduct, Sustainbility, HR, Data Protection & Privacy, Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption as well as our Speak-Up Channel. Our FAIR guidelines are our primary steering document for responsible gaming and comprises the values and principles that we base our content on. Our FAIR guidelines comprise Forum & Communities, Age protection, Inclusion & Diversity as well as Responsible Marketing and Monetization.

The policies are assessed by the board on an annual basis, and we conduct yearly policy trainings for the group’s employees.

Code of Conduct

Stillfront’s Code of Conduct is built upon the ten principles by United Nations Global Compact, which Stillfront is a signatory of.

Sustainability Policy

Stillfront’s sustainability policy covers focus areas such as business ethics and governance, employer responsibility as well as environmental responsibilities.

HR Policy

For Stillfront, it is crucial to safeguard our offering of an attractive, competitive, and healthy workplace. Our HR policy aims to clarify responsibilities and commitments, and to provide guidance to leaders and professionals throughout the organization. The scope of the policy covers all companies and all professionals of Stillfront.

Data Protection & Privacy

Data privacy and data protection are of utmost importance to Stillfront. Our privacy program meets the criteria of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection and privacy regulations. Deloitte is engaged as Stillfront’s external Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption policy

Stillfront has a zero-tolerance stance against bribery, corruption, and money laundering, and has adopted an Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption policy which applies to all companies and professionals of Stillfront.