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Extra bolagsstämma 22 juni, 2016/ Extraordinary General Meeting June 22, 2016

Extra bolagsstämma i Stillfront Group AB hölls 22 juni 2016 kl 10.00 i Advokatfirma DLA Pipers lokaler i Stockholm. Nedan återfinns kallelse, styrelsens fullständiga förslag, styrelsens redogörelser samt revisorns yttranden avseende styrelsens redogörelser.
Ett fullmaktsformulär återfinns nedan.

An Extraordinary general meeting of the Shareholders took place June 22, 2016 at 10.00 at the offices of law firm DLA Piper in Stockholm. Please find below the notice, the board’s complete proposal, the board’s reports and the auditor’s statements.
A form for Power of Attorney is provided below.