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Press releases


The Board of Directors of Stillfront has resolved to exercise its authorisation to acquire own shares

The Board of Directors of Stillfront AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) has resolved, pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting held on 14 May 2024, to acquire own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The purpose of the repurchase is to enable payment with the company’s own shares of certain earn-out payments relating to previous acquisitions.


The Board of Directors of Stillfront has resolved to exercise its authorisation to acquire own shares

The Board of Directors of Stillfront AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) has resolved, pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting held on 11 May 2023, to acquire own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The purpose of the repurchase is to enable payment with the company’s own shares of certain earn-out payments relating to previous acquisitions.


Kallelse till årsstämma i Stillfront Group AB (publ)

Aktieägarna i Stillfront Group AB (publ), 556721-3078 (”Bolaget” eller ”Stillfront”), kallas härmed till årsstämma tisdagen den 14 maj 2024 klockan 16.00 i Mannheimer Swartlings lokaler på Norrlandsgatan 21 i Stockholm. Entrén till stämmolokalen öppnar klockan 15.30.


Notice of Annual General Meeting in Stillfront Group AB (publ)

The shareholders of Stillfront Group AB (publ), reg. no. 556721-3078 (the “Company” or “Stillfront”), are hereby given notice of the annual general meeting to be held on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 16.00 (CEST) at Mannheimer Swartling’s premises at Norrlandsgatan 21 in Stockholm, Sweden. The entrance to the meeting will open at 15.30 (CEST).