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Press releases

Non Regulatory

Stillfront completes repurchases of own shares

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (”Stillfront”) has successfully completed the share repurchase program that was announced on 14 May 2024. Stillfront acquired 9,826,286 own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm between 15 May and 20 June for an aggregated amount of approximately SEK 122 million.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront slutför återköp av egna aktier

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (”Stillfront”) har slutfört det program för förvärv av egna aktier som offentliggjordes den 14 maj 2024. Stillfront förvärvade 9 826 286 egna aktier på Nasdaq Stockholm mellan den 15 maj och den 20 juni till ett sammanlagt belopp om cirka 122 miljoner kronor.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront completes repurchases of own shares

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (”Stillfront”) has today completed the repurchases of own shares announced on 25 April 2024. In total, 5,273,840 own shares have been acquired on Nasdaq Stockholm between 25 April and 14 May 2024 for an aggregated amount of approximately SEK 60 million.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront slutför återköp av egna aktier

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (”Stillfront”) har idag slutfört de återköp av egna aktier som offentliggjordes den 25 april 2024. Totalt har 5 273 840 egna aktier förvärvats på Nasdaq Stockholm mellan den 25 april och 14 maj 2024 till ett sammanlagt belopp om 60 miljoner kronor.

Non Regulatory

SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) approves Stillfront’s emission reduction targets

Stillfront’s targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have now been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as aligned with the latest climate science and consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Stillfront committed to set targets in line with SBTi’s criteria in December 2022 and submitted the new targets for validation in June 2023.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront Group utnämner Alexandre Salem till Senior Vice President Operations & Platforms

Stillfront Group meddelar idag att Alexandre Salem tillträder rollen som Senior Vice President Operations & Platforms och medlem av Stillfronts affärsledningsgrupp. Alexandre kommer närmast från Huawei där han var Global Director of Gaming Partnerships. Alexandre har stor erfarenhet från spelbranschen och tidigare erfarenhet inkluderar roller som Gaming Lead EMEA Partnerships Solutions på Google och Global Advertising Monetization Director på King.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront’s Capital Markets Day 2021

At Stillfront’s Capital Markets Day in Stockholm today starting at 15:00 CET, CEO Jörgen Larsson and other members of Stillfront’s Group Management will provide an update on the group’s strategy execution, financial model and provide a more in-depth view on Stillfront’s business.

Non Regulatory

Stillfronts kapitalmarknadsdag 2021

På Stillfronts kapitalmarknadsdag i Stockholm idag med start kl. 15:00 CET kommer VD Jörgen Larsson och övriga medlemmar av Stillfronts koncernledning att följa upp på koncernens strategi, finansiella modell och presentera en mer djupgående bild av Stillfronts verksamhet.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront Group completes the acquisition of Jawaker FZ LLC

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) has completed the acquisition of 100 percent of the shares in Jawaker FZ LLC (“Jawaker”), which was announced through a press release on September 8, 2021 (the “Transaction”). The sellers of Jawaker are the founders and main owners, the investment company Media Zone Investments FZ LLC (“twofour54”) and certain employees.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront Group fullföljer förvärvet av Jawaker FZ LLC

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) har fullföljt förvärvet av 100 procent av aktierna i Jawaker FZ LLC (“Jawaker”), vilket offentliggjordes genom pressmeddelande den 8 september 2021 (“Transaktionen”). Säljarna av Jawaker är grundarna och majoritetsägarna, investmentbolaget Media Zone Investments FZ LLC (“twofour54”) och vissa anställda.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront Group completes the acquisition of Game Labs Inc.

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) has completed the acquisition of 100% of the shares in Game Labs Inc., a Delaware corporation, (“Game Labs”). The acquisition was announced earlier today on 7 May 2021 and the sellers are the joint founders and management of Game Labs.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront Group fullföljer förvärvet av Game Labs Inc.

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) har fullföljt förvärvet av 100 % av aktierna i Game Labs Inc., ett företag baserat i Delaware, (“Game Labs”). Förvärvet offentliggjordes tidigare idag den 7 maj 2021 och säljarna är de gemensamma säljarna och ledningen för Game Labs.

Non Regulatory

Andrew N. Green joins Stillfront Group as Senior Vice President Operations & Growth

Stillfront Group today announced that Andrew N. Green will join Stillfront as Senior Vice President Operations & Growth and member of Stillfront’s Group business management. Andrew joins Stillfront from venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) where he was a Partner focused on helping build the games initiative at the firm and supporting the consumer portfolio.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront Group completes the acquisition of Moonfrog Labs

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) has completed the acquisition of the initial tranche of the shares in Moonfrog Labs Private Limited (“Moonfrog”), representing 91% of the shares in Moonfrog. The acquisition of 100% of the shares in Moonfrog based on four tranches, was announced through a press release on 1 February 2021 and the sellers are Moonfrog’s joint founders and institutional investors.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront Group fullföljer förvärvet av Moonfrog Labs

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) har fullföljt förvärvet av den första tranchen av aktier i Moonfrog Labs Private Limited (“Moonfrog”) motsvarande 91 % av aktierna i Moonfrog. Förvärvet av 100 % av aktierna i Moonfrog genom fyra trancher offentliggjordes genom ett pressmeddelande den 1 februari 2021 och säljarna är grundarna av Moonfrog samt institutionella investerare.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront Group completes the acquisition of Super Free Games

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) has completed the acquisition of 100 percent of the shares in Super Free Games, Inc. (“Super Free”), which was announced through a press release on 18 December 2020. The sellers are the joint founders and main owners of Super Free as well as certain key employees and other investors.

Non Regulatory

Stillfront Group fullföljer förvärvet av Super Free Games

Stillfront Group AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) har fullföljt förvärvet av 100 procent av aktierna i Super Free Games, Inc. (“Super Free”), som offentliggjordes genom ett pressmeddelande den 18 december 2020. Säljarna är de gemensamma grundarna och huvudägarna av Super Free samt vissa nyckelpersoner och andra investerare.

Non Regulatory

Valberedningen utsedd i Stillfront Group

I enlighet med årsstämmans beslut ska de tre största aktieägarna i bolaget per den sista bankdagen i september 2020 ha rätt att utse varsin ledamot till valberedningen. Om någon av de tre största aktieägarna avstår sin rätt att utse ledamot av valberedningen ska nästa ägare i storlek beredas tillfälle att utse ledamot av valberedningen. Därutöver kan valberedningen besluta att styrelsens ordförande ska vara ledamot av valberedningen.

Non Regulatory

Nomination Committee appointed in Stillfront Group

In accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, the three largest shareholders in the company as per the last business day of September, 2020 shall be entitled to appoint one member each to the Nomination Committee. If any of the three largest shareholders declines to appoint a member of the nomination committee, the next largest shareholder shall be offered the opportunity to appoint a member of the nomination committee. The nomination committee may also decide that the chairman of the board of directors shall be a member of the nomination committee.

Non Regulatory

Swedish developer Stillfront AB produces web game based on the explosive universal pictures theatrixal release, WANTED

The Sweden-based developer/publisher, Stillfront AB, today announced a licensing agreement with the Universal Pictures Digital Platforms Group to create a web-based “Fan Immersion Game” for the upcoming Universal Pictures action-thriller, Wanted. The film, directed by acclaimed Russian filmmaker Timur Bekmambetov and starring James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman, will be released in theatres on June 27.